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Student Council

The aim of the Student Council is to provide children with greater involvement in the decision making procedures of the school and to help them learn about how democracy works. Two children represent each class and are elected annually. Meetings are facilitated by Mrs Breathnach and are held regularly. The Student Council have brought forward ideas for improvement with the Hot Lunches, the school yard and for the anti-bullying policy. Their voice is listened to and respected.


Green Schools

We are a green school and have proudly obtained 4 Green Flags for Litter and Waste, Energy, Water and Travel. We are working towards our next green flag for Biodiversity.


Trinity Access Programme (TAP)

We have developed close ties with Trinity College and pupils from senior classes get the opportunity to participate in events and workshops throughout the year through the Trinity Access Programme. Pupils from 5th and 6th class are eligible to be nominated for the Trinity Access Achievement Awards which are held annually in May.


School Sports


We have close links with Kilbarrack United and regularly use their facilities.  

Ms Kearney trains the girl's soccer team and boy’s soccer team every week with the support of Kilbarrack United.  They participate in the FAI Primary Schools League.  The standard of football witnessed throughout the past year is fantastic.  Last year, the team played an epic final and won the league against Dalkey Community school.  


We have grown from strength to strength in our participation in Athletics.  In May each year, we participate in the Cumman na mBunscoil Athletics events.  The children get the opportunity to compete across a range of track and field events including sprints, relays, long distance, long jump, shot put and hurdles.  It is a great opportunity for the children to be exposed to a wide variety of athletic events.

Gaelic Football and Hurling

Naomh Barróg is an integral part of our community.  We have a close relationship and they provide us with their facilities and send Coach Liam to our school every week to work with classes.  Children get the opportunity to develop ball handling skills, catching, striking, eye- hand coordination, and cooperation skills  in a fun and game based environment.


Fourth to Sixth class pupils participate in weekly swimming lessons for 8 weeks of the year.  Children learn essential swimming skills over the 8 weeks and it is great to see their confidence in the water grow.  Ms Coppinger runs the Water Safety  Ireland’s PAWS programme after school.  Pupils learn basic water safety guidelines and skills.



Music plays a very important role in the curriculum here in Scoil Eoin. Third and Fourth Class rehearse a varied and enjoyable repertoire and attend 'The Laudate Festival' every year where they sing along with hundreds of other children from other schools.  Fifth and Sixth class participate in the Peace Proms annually. Pupils can showcase their talent at the end of year talent show every June


Other Activities

Many other initatives take place throughout the school year eg Active Week, Maths Week, Book Week, Junior Achievement, Cooking, Shared Reading, Daily Mile, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Inclusion Week.


Afterschool Clubs

We offer Free afterschool clubs on Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30

Examples of clubs run in 2023/2024

  • Yoga

  • Sports Club

  • Homework Club

  • Dance

  • Watersafety

  • Art Club

Breakfast Club takes place every morning Monday to Friday from 8:30-8:50am


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